While I've written (more than once, I think) about how I do not get summers off, I will confess: I take spring break off (with the exception of checking email to make sure the school didn't burn down in my absence).
Last year, I spent spring break at a professional conference - but, hey! it was in Las Vegas so I counted it as work and play.
This year, I'm doing what students do: I'm in Florida.
But for four years I taught in a school with a year-round schedule and no spring break.
Before that, for seven years, I taught as an adjunct at three different institutions. On good years, two out of three of them would have the same week off for spring break. Several years, all three had different break weeks. How often did they all have the same week? That would be exactly never.
So at least I got two or three slightly easier weeks, but never a true break.
Friends of mine who are currently working as adjuncts are in the same position (I would have said same boat, but no boat for them). In addition to teaching heavier loads for less pay and no benefits, part-time faculty members don't enjoy one of the expected perks for students and teachers alike - a break in the middle of the spring term.
Just one more overlooked disadvantage of the two-tiered faculty system - and a sign of just how far those tiers are from each other.
Enjoy being warm. You earned it. This time you got rewarded.
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